Sunday 12 May 2013

Side Quest 003: {Gungrave} Gather Ideas and Inspiration from Anime - In Progress

Image directly taken from


I just finished watching Gungrave, and it has made it into my top favourites of all time.

Reminded a lot of Trigun and Berserk, it was unpredictable, there were many parts where you would think that it was going to happen 100% but then, boom, change, surprise.

I just can't find words to describe this anime, it's just beautifully written in a original way, it wasn't a stereotypical story of work for a guy to see a girl (the description in myanimelist mislead me somewhat, but that was my misinterpretation). It had more deeper meaning, and understanding this whole anime will lead you to the answer of the last question of the anime. It's pretty obvious I guess, for me at least.

This anime will show you what Bros before Hoes really is.

I'd recommend this anime to everyone who has watched Berserk or Trigun.

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